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Chong Cheng Howe

Foundation In Natural And Built Environment

Project 2(A) : My "X" Hometown - Individual

In this project, we were required to choose a town or city our our origin or where do we came from and to choose a specific area to study in detail. We need to study the background and the history of the township, the significance elements/components, the accessibility and other relevant data of the township and need to illustrate a map or our township upon as the main reference. Next, we need to zoom in our selected areas of our township and to elaborate the built components in detail through tangible and intangible components. Last but not least, we need to identify our favourite part of our area visualize what would we like to improve in our township as a conclusion.

My Vintage Hometown Pamphlet
Reflection :

Based on this project, I get to know more about my city - Kuching, for example the zoning, the type of building style, tangible and intangible components. Furthermore, i learnt how to arrange my layout to make it more clearer and to do in a pamphlet form which promoting my hometown. This was the last project in this semester and finally I can feel freedom !

©2018 by Chong Cheng Howe. Proudly created with

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Solve all the problems and difficulties through the whole process.

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Learn how to observe the surrounding.

Lifelong Learning

Learn how to organize informations into graphics.

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Chong Cheng Howe

Foundation In Natural And Built Environment

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